Fallout new vegas angel park
Fallout new vegas angel park

fallout new vegas angel park fallout new vegas angel park

It became "Yes, I get there's these dangerous clouds, but it's a bit annoying that I can't see shit, everything's dark, everything's the same color (this last part really pissed me off. The atmosphere was pretty awesome starting out (my friend and I started it up one night), very creepy I'll agree, but after two hours or so of gameplay it just became obstructive. To offer a counterpoint, I really disliked Dead Money. But Dead Money, I thought, was good storytelling, interesting characters and a good idea, hang the loot.ĮDIT - fixed spoiler tag, thanks MrFluffykins I didn't get that from anything else in the Fallout universe.Īlso, on the other end of it, I adored Old World Blues for concentrating the feel of the Fallout universe - the outlandish humour, the crazy science, the nerdy feel and the self-awareness of the whole show did it for me. At times it genuinely scared me a little. I think the whole idea was quite chilling, and quite clever.

fallout new vegas angel park

It was a pensive, atmospheric experience.

fallout new vegas angel park

Those little filmic images - the skeletal corpse of Vera Keyes with the 'let go' on the wall written in blood, Dog/God hunched in his cell, talking to himself, etc. I loved the look and feel of it, the story and world. On its own, had a whole game been made with that feel, I'd have disliked it, it's true. Yeah, it didn't have the best loot (if you don't count the gold bars), or the easiest gameplay, or the classic open-world Fallout elements that made me love the series. I loved Honest Hearts, but Dead Money seems to be getting a lot of flak here. I was planning on putting together a comparison post of in-game/real life for Zion with my pictures but I wasn't sure if that type of thing was overdone here. Kolob Arch - I think referred to as "Red Arch"Ĭompare these images with what Zion looks like in game. The Narrows (The Virgin river is flooding in this picture) I understand that it's not feasible to really put things into scale, and I expected distances to be vastly shrunk, but it seemed to me that no one on the development team had really bothered to research what things actually looked like. That opening moment when Zion's opening canyon is revealed just felt. I was a little excited to see how the enormity of the park would be translated to Fallout. I started the DLC a few days after I got back from a nine-day backpacking trip through Zion. The visuals in Honest Hearts really bothered me.

Fallout new vegas angel park